Saturday, September 5, 2015

Louis Farrakhan Is Trying to Destroy America

The impetus of this article comes to the Hope that springs in my heart, even to this day, that we may somehow save the Republic that we were given by our forebears.  To say it more plainly, it is my Hope that we will somehow reclaim it, as all three branches of our federal government are out of sorts as to what exactly is their Constitutional responsibilities are.  It's also to get to the bottom of what exactly Louis Farrakhan was attempting to accomplish when he said:

So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.
These remarks, and many others (he also calls for 10,000 blacks to volunteer to kill whites persons in the same *speech*) made by Louis Farrakhan initially led me to think that Farrakhan was attempting to incite a race war within the United States, just because.  My initial thought and reply to that would have been along the lines of perhaps it would be best if Farrakhan was actually interested in helping the black lives in these United States, then perhaps he would work together with blacks in the inner cities, places like Baltimore and Chicago to name just a couple.  Perhaps he would encourage black fathers and mothers to stay together for the sake of their children, who are often shuttled back and forth between family members.  Maybe he would instruct on the value of a 2-parent household, one where love was shown to all children, every day, instead of using his words in an attempt to cause disharmony. He might even push forward the notion, that yes, there are problems, but we need to come together and find a way to solve them together, not by murdering other, mostly innocent people.  He did not use his position of power to do that, despite the fact that he is now getting on in age (He is 82 years old currently), and could work on his legacy in the waning time he has left.

Then I realized my foolishness, it was never just about inciting a race war to teach white Americans about anything.  It wasn't about black Americans stepping up and becoming murderers because it beats the alternative.  At the moment of my realization, it dawned on me that Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam, and that the United States is considered the "Great Satan" by many followers of Islam throughout the world.

That's when it occurred to me:  Farrakhan couldn't care less about black Americans.  He couldn't care less about white Americans, Latin Americans, or any Americans, for that matter.  What he cares about is turning us against each other, in the basest way possible, in order to bring down the country that has provided him an opportunity to wreak such havoc.

The question that must be answered, then, is where are the criminal charges against Farrakhan?  How is it possible that such a man can call for 10,000 men to go out in to the streets of this Nation, and commit murder at his behest, remain free on the streets of the same Nation?  This is beyond the Theater of the Absurd, it is complete and total ridiculousness.

We are privileged, each and every one of us, to have our 1st amendment right to say anything we so choose.  Of course, there are consequences to certain words, in extreme cases.  The 1969 case, Brandenburg v. Ohio set the base line for what type of speech might not be used, and in so doing, it overturned the 1919 landmark case Schenck v. United StatesBrandenburg set the standard  "where speech is brigaded with action".  Ordering 10,000 persons to commit hate murders sure seems like 'speech...brigaded with action.'  I call on the Attorney Generals of the 50 states of the United States of America to bring charges against Farrakhan.  I ask that the Attorney General of the United States of America, Loretta E. Lynch to launch a federal investigation in to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for their attempts to bring down our Nation.

After all, it is only a small step from asking 10,000 persons to go in to the streets of the Nation to murder other citizens of the same Nation, and an outright Insurrection.

On a closing note:  to those who abuse positions of power, whether it is Farrakhan, or the incidents of police officers who are involved in criminal activity, or 'ordinary' citizens who commit crimes on the street and in the homes of other Americans:  there should be a price to be paid, and there is one, so long as there are men and women of strong moral fiber.

I'm not a huge fan of Glenn Beck (I should say, I don't read/listen to him at all, so I have no opinion of him whatsoever), but he led a, by the accounts available, peaceful march of 20,000+ people in Birmingham, AL last weekend that was resoundingly ignored by the national press.  Whether or not we agree with Beck, the fact that was pulled off without riots, without incident is something that should be looked to.  This is the type of positive behavior that leaders in name could be fomenting.

Instead, Farrakhan continues to spew his message of hatred and division.  America:  wake up, before it's too late.  The time for coming together is right now.