Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Poem 2

Following in the footsteps of my first Christmas "poem", here is my second attempt:

Christmas Poem 2
With the world still at war
we all head to the store
in search of the perfect gift
to make Christmas right
all through the night
the children huddle with fright

uncertain that Santa
will find their door

the images they see
while watching their t.v.

death and destruction
rule the tube
and we all wonder
who is the rube

that has this
as a master plan

the world filled with dread
as we count all the dead
the number continues to rise
as tears form we close our eyes
and pray for a better day

a star in the sky
a star in the sky
fighting to be seen
through fog and snow
trying to tell us
what we should already know

no matter the terror
in spite of any tragedy
there is a lesson to be learned
by both you and me

our leaders in name
they aren't always sane
they look for a reason
even during this
most magical season

leaving the onus on us
to do all that we can
every last one
to help our fellow man

if we all were to help one
what a wonderful world
we could make

then last but not least
remember to leave
a glass of milk
and a big plate of cookies

Because Santa always has room
for one more