Saturday, October 18, 2014

Looking Back on Some ObamaCare Thoughts From 5 Years Ago (part 2)

If you missed part 1 of this review of thoughts on the Obamacare Crisis, you can click here.  For those that have already read through, please continue on below.  As stated in part one, these thoughts were from a little over 5 years ago, and were originally published in a different place.
August 9th, 2009
The Coming Crisis (Part 2)
So in the first part of this little series we discussed some of the financial ramifications of The Shadow President's™©® health care scheme, and the possible ramifications that might be felt throughout the economy as a whole. We will discuss more about that in the next segment, but for today's discussion, I think it is far more important to discuss one of the basic tenets of the health care argument, namely coverage, and a person's ability to receive treatment if they needed it.

As is the case with nearly anything that is political, there are more lies and holes in this part of the argument than could possibly be counted, but let's start with the easiest one to refute: treatment. It is illegal under federal law (the actual name of the law is EMTALA -Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) to refuse treatment to those who show up in a hospital and request it.

Treatment must be provided for anyone who asks for it, and also any ancillary services that would be available to the emergency department in order to determine if a medical emergency exists. Further, if an emergency situation is deemed to exist by the hospital staff, the hospital is obligated to provide further examination/treatment, or transfer the individual to another hospital for treatment, which is determined through the patient's level of stability.

I have many friends who work in all different sectors of the medical community, or have a spouse that does, and one of those happens to be a nurse at a highly prestigious hospital in the Boston area (one of the most highly regarded hospitals in the world, in fact) and one of her chief complaints is the fact that they are required by this law to treat even illegal aliens -which by law are persons that have no legal standing in this country. Yet they cannot be refused top of the line medical care, which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this legislation is nothing but a superfluous grab for power and political capital by those who are pushing it forth (namely our Shadow President™©® and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) who have so much invested in this politically, that they have no choice but to keep pushing forward legislation that anyone who has had an opportunity to take even a cursory glance at knows it is destined to destroy our country, and our medical standards, but we'll get into more detail about that in the next installment. For today, the important thing to remember is that this legislation is not necessary, because no one, under no circumstances, can be denied care/treatment. It is simply illegal, and in today's sue-happy world, hospitals are not going to take that chance (bonus fact for the day: hospitals pass this treatment cost along to health care providers, who of course pass it along to those who pay for their own insurance/receive it through to the tune of $90 Billion a year. Again, more on this tomorrow.)

Lastly, for those who read the last installment but did not feel like clicking on the link provided, here is the information that it contained:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to" (actual information from -the official administration website.)

That's right ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a world where you are being asked to spy on your friends, your family, and your co-workers for your government for having the audacity to dare exercise your 1st Amendment right and question something that has been put forth as gospel truth by this administration. Welcome to Communist China, or the USSR, or Orwell's 1984. This is what has become of America in just over 6 months.