Where to begin with the travesty that has befallen our nation over the last 6 years or so. Perhaps, in the words of Mr. Eko I will "begin at the beginning". Upon his
Chamberlain's major crime (and it was a wicked googily) was thinking that he could negotiate "peace in our time" with Adolph Hitler. Obviously, that was a colossal failure, and the world eventually paid the price, as it was drawn in to its second world war within a quarter of a century.
Still, the world was able to recover in no small part thanks to the strong leadership of Winston Churchill, and the backing of the United States (amongst other nations.)
Obama's misdeeds go far beyond what even Chamberlain did, for a couple of different reasons. First off, Chamberlain was determined to hold on to power. This is not a good thing, by any means, but it at least explains his reasoning behind his actions. Many of Obama's misdeeds have occurred well past his second inauguration, which demands the question of why would he go to such lengths to jeopardize not only his legacy, but the lives and liberty of the American public he allegedly represents.
A short list of recent activity includes his announcement that he fully intends to (illegally) grant amnesty to persons who have violated our national laws and willfully broke in to our country. These illegal aliens have secured many rights, some that actual U.S. citizens are unable to secure for themselves, all because of a lax national security policy being pushed by our Commander-in-Chief.
Another item on the recent short list would be the release of former U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi who spent 214 days in a Mexican jail, because Obama was apparently too busy to pick up a phone and ask Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to give Tahmooressi a helping hand. Instead, a coalition of private citizens, lawmakers, Dr. Alberto Pinzón Picaseño, and fortunately, the presiding judge in his case, Judge Victor Octavio Luna Escobedo, he was finally set free. Another in a series of sterling examples of Obama's disdain for our military service men and women.
I've spent many thousands of words describing my thoughts and opinions on the debacle that is Obamacare, but even I could never have envisioned the utter cajones that has gone on with the Jonathan Gruber mess. If that process hadn't completely screwed over our nation, I'd be laughing a lot more than I am right now.
However, the most egregious mistake that he has made (thusfar) in his tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the complete lack of seriousness he has given to the war that is being prosecuted on American soil, as well as that of many of our allies (Canada, England, and Israel, amongst others.)
Now I use the term "war", because while it may not be a legally binding, U.S. Congress-approved action, war is being made against the United States, and our very way of life. Much more maddening than Congress' inability to do anything of consequence regarding the topic (though one can hope that the November elections may change that a bit) is Obama's refusal to accept that anything needs to occur. He continues to treat each individual incident as if it were a 'lone wolf' type of deal, and often times does not bother to offer the slightest public words of encouragement to those who have lost loved ones. This is inexcusable.
The lone wolf argument loses credibility when multiple attacks, from the same base of people, happen on a world wide stage against select portions of the populace. By any definition of war, that is it what we are facing: persons who are looking to kill, injure, and destroy our citizenry, simply because they are American. If Obama does nothing else with his remaining time in office, it should be to secure the citizens that he is sworn to protect from enemies both within our borders, and those who make their way here for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc.
Of course, if the man follows through with any type of firm leadership on this issue, it will be the first time in 6 years that has occurred, so I'm not going to hold my breath. How I imagine the rest of his term playing out is exactly the same way the front part of it has gone: him with a pouty face complaining that if only all of the stupid people in this country would let him do exactly what he wanted to, he'd be happy at least.
I also figure he's good to shave another stroke or two off of golf score, to boot, which is something to brag on. Never has a more un-athletic man come in to office, but by the time he heads back to Illinois, he might just be good enough to make the celebrity golf tour. That's Change we can believe in.