Monday, November 3, 2014

MA Ballot Question #4

The last of the four ballot questions that will appear tomorrow (Tuesday, November 4th) is by far the most perplexing to me.  Its summary is far too long for my tiny little blog, but this is how the question will appear:

QUESTION 4: Law Proposed by Initiative Petition

Earned Sick Time for Employees

Do you approve of a law summarized below, on which no vote was taken by the Senate or the House of Representatives on or before May 6, 2014?

A YES VOTE would entitle employees in Massachusetts to earn and use sick time according to certain conditions.
A NO VOTE would make no change in the laws regarding earned sick time.

I honestly don't know what to make of this law, which means my default vote is no.  Anything that the government (and in particular, the government in MA) is telling me is a 'good' thing, is most likely a nefarious plot to steal my soul, or perhaps something even worse than that.  If you haven't caught on to the theme  yet, let me spell it out for you:  never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever, trust anyone in a position of power within the Commonwealth of MA, regardless of theirs or your own personal political leanings.  Always, always go against the establishment.

I'm also having a hard time understanding exactly who needs this benefit.  Until my current job working within the school system, any position I have had, my employer had a system for awarding sick time, usually along the line of a full week's worth of time per year (which is all the new law allows any one person to use.)  There must be a special interest group that is interested in having this law passed, but I'm not certain who it is.  Question #4 gets a no vote from me, and I highly recommend that all persons voting do likewise.