Monday, November 24, 2014

Perhaps Obama Is Trying to Get Himself Impeached...

The impetus for today's argument was going to be the President's unilateral decision from last Thursday whereby he decided that he was Emperor*, and he could magically allow 5 million** illegal aliens to stay in this country, no problem.***  That will still be the foundation and major argument throughout, but as I sat down to write, a new thought popped in to my head:

What if Obama is looking to be impeached?
Granted, it's not a fully formed thought yet, but it is something to consider.  Impeachment could easily be achieved in the House, but the conviction would never come from the Senate, there simply aren't enough votes there.  The positive side for Obama would be that he could begin accusing his Republican detractors of being on a 'witch hunt', and that may rally his base to his side over the final two years of his term, which he desperately needs.  Then again, the President spent most of his Saturday in a golfing foursome with former N.Y. Yankee Derek Jeter, so it's possible he just doesn't give a damn about anything right now.****

Back to the original impetus for today's post, though:  Presidential authority, and how exactly laws are created in this country (or at the least, how they are supposed to be created.)  Allegedly, upon exiting from the Continental Congress, Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government had been designed for the new country, to which he answered "A Republic, if you can keep it."  Whether or not the story is true, the sentiment remains the same:  our Nation was founded not as a Tyranny, not as a Dictatorship, nor a Monarchy, not even a Democracy, as so many wrongly believe, but as a Republic.  This is an important distinction, it truly is.

A Republican form of government, as set up by our forefathers, has a system of checks and balances, with powers spread out throughout the different branches of government.  It is designed to be a representative form of government, meaning that while the citizenry is not entitled to make the decisions, it is within their powers to elect officials that will represent their opinions.  The American public did just that the first Tuesday of November 2014, but our King decided that the citizens he ostensibly represents were too stupid for their own good.  No, he must act on his own to set an agenda that is not only wrong, but illegal.

Now I understand that the Constitution can be a bit wordy, and perhaps reading the entire document seemed a bit onerous to our Golfer-in-Chief.  That's fair enough, but the Internet is a wildly powerful, amazing resource.  If our G-i-C had simply typed in the words "how does a bill become a law" he would have found these results.  IF he had scrolled down to the 11th link (I can't believe it's that far down) he would have found this easy-to-watch video that clearly describes the entire process within 3 minutes.

The 2:45 mark fairly well sums it all up:  "It's not easy to become a bill, is it?"  This is something that Obama has not ever had to deal with, what with everything of import in his adult life simply being handed to him because of who he is, rather than on the basis of any real qualifications.

Now that the Emperor has made his move, it will be up to the Republicans to use whatever legal means they have to stop this assault on U.S. sovereignty, along with its Constitution.  IF Obama had merely consulted Article 2, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution he would have found these words:

...he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed...
Obama clearly missed the boat on that one.  For a man convinced that he is always the smartest man in the room (perhaps he's often alone?), it doesn't seem like something that could have been done by accident, it must be with intent.  Bearing that in mind, the question becomes what is the end game for this action.  Are we to believe that Obama truly cares for all of these illegal aliens (a decent enough portion who have committed serious felonies) and their well-being?

If that is your thought process, you are too blind to have read anything previous, so please, carry on.  The most nefarious idea that could be thought of is that Obama is determined to destroy America, and this is yet another attempt by him to further bankrupt our economy.  It's possible, but I'm still hopeful that he has not gone that far off the deep end.  Rather, I choose to believe that his endgame is to ensure that there will be an increased pool of voters who owe their fortunes and their votes to candidates of Obama's and his minions choosing.  In so doing, he would hope to swing Congressional districts, along with Senate seats, and Electoral College votes to the Democratic party.  That is as nefarious as I hope he has become, but it is criminal nonetheless.

The time has come for impeachment, whether or not a conviction can be achieved, and whether or not it is something that Obama himself may hope occurs.  It is the right thing to do, and given the repercussions if nothing happens, the time to act is now.

*I know someone who has been calling him "The Emperor Without Clothes" since he was first a candidate for President.  It makes me chuckle to see it in print and popping up everywhere else now.

**5 million is such a low ball estimate it's almost not worth arguing, but it is important to note that within the last 2 years, it was acknowledged that the number ranged anywhere from 12-30 million.  Am I really supposed to believe that 7-25 million illegals have been deported?

***You have to admire the man's moxie.  After President Clinton saw his fortunes change during the 1994 Congressional election, he wisely decided to move towards the center, and work with the Republican-led Congress.  Of course, Clinton still had the 1996 election to look forward to, while Obama's final day in office will be the 3rd week of January, 2017.

****For the record, Obama spending the rest of his term on a golf course would be the best thing he could for this country.