Our idiot's name is George Prior, and sitting back and looking at this from a totally unbiased, uninvolved point of view, it's quite clear that George is either seeking attention (+1 for him, if that's so, because I'm sure he'll make a boatload of cash from his venture) or it's a cry for help. I'm going to think as many positive thoughts about the man as I can, and assume it is the latter.
George's 'experiment' follows in the footsteps of Morgan Spurlock who gained international fame with his mockumentary SuperSize Me, in which he consumed nothing but McDonald's worst foods for 30 days and saw his health fall apart. Spurlock gained his 15 minutes' worth of fame, and millions of dollars, to boot, but his angle was eventually disproved by 54 year old science teacher John Cisna, who actually managed to lose 37 pounds while consuming nothing but McDonald's for the same period of time.
Fortunately for Prior's run at fame, I cannot conceive of a way that someone might prove that consuming 10 cans of Coke in a day is a benefit for their bodies. Of course, as Prior himself states "Everyone knows it wouldn't be healthy to drink ten cokes a day." Uh, yeah.
Of course, Prior decided to press on with this thought:
That's true, perhaps you're only drinking four Cokes, but if you add in the two glasses of orange juice, the two sweetened coffee drinks from Starbucks, the 16-ounce Odwalla drink, the two 'healthy' brand ice teas and the $9 fruit smoothie you waited 10 minutes in life for, you've made my 10 Cokes look like child's play.First of all, I spent the better part of a decade eating a pound of pasta (or more) a day, chasing it down with a half gallon of orange juice. The thought that OJ (or pasta, for that matter) is unhealthy is one that I was unable to prove in my years of 'trying' (the truth was I really like OJ, and pasta is quick, delicious, and nutritious.) It's fair to note, I did exercise (running, walking, or weightlifting) in one form or another five days a week during that stretch. My weight remained constant, and my blood pressure and pulse were excellent.
Secondly, who the heck has the time or body capacity to consume the amount of liquids that he seems to believe is the typical American day? Even consuming 10 cans of Coke seems like a bit of a stretch, unless you're trying to prove a 'point', as it means knocking back one can for every 1 hour and 48 minutes you are awake, assuming an 18-hour day. That's ridiculous.
Life is a series of choices, and for those who choose to drink 10 cans a Coke a day while eating the greasiest, fattest foods that McDonald's (or another fast food chain) has to offer, without exercising, I have some 'news' for you: your body is not going to be in good shape, regardless of what the exterior vessel may look like. If you want to be fit, it's important to consider not only what you eat/drink, but how the manner in which you exercise (here's a hint: just do it, whatever 'it' may be.) If you choose to lead a sedentary lifestyle while consuming terrible foods, your are not going to be as healthy as you may like, but that will be through your own choices, no one else's.