Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The 4th of July, Global Warming, and Other Thoughts

This past Saturday (the 4th of July), I was acting exactly the same as many other Americans - hanging with family and friends, gorging myself on copious amounts of delightful foods, and watching fireworks explode in the night sky.  Here's what was going on in other parts of the world, but close enough to the U.S. to cause concern, or at least it should.

That's right, Russian President was once again testing the limits, and harkened back to Top Gun times by sending a pair of Tupolev Tu-95s (which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons) approximately 55 miles off the coast of Alaska before they were scurried away by the might of two F-16s.  A half an hour after that incident, (11 a.m. ET), another pair of Tupolev Tu-95s were found hanging out off the coast of central CA (again, not within U.S. airspace).  They, too, were sent packing, but it is disconcerting that they were found there, and even moreso given that this occurred just two years ago, on July 4th, 2013.

Then there's ISIS, who of late have been getting their @sses handed to them by ----- and ----- (not so much the U.S., but that's more leadership's fault than that of our hard-working soldiers.), who are still murdering people in new and even more horrific ways than previously done.  These are the people, you'll recall, that Obama infamously called the J.V. team.

Despite those items, and many more that are far too horrific to even let the public know about (Honestly, if these are the things that we know, can you imagine how terrible the things are that are being kept from us?), our *President* has insisted more than once that the greatest threat to our nation and planet is "Global Warming".  He has insisted that the "Science is Proven", and there are a fair amount of sycophants and leeches who are willing to spout the company line, so long as they are kept in federal funding.

Often, views from the opposing side are shouted down because they are considered the 'minority view', or such thoughts would only be spoken by 'climate deniers', something no *true* scientist could ever be charged with.

Imagine my the giddy feeling that coursed through my veins when by happenstance, I stumbled across this article/video.  The speaker is Ivar Giaever, late a member of American Physical Society, until 2011 when he resigned in protest to this statement put forth by the group:

The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring.
If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.
His audience was the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting, and his statements are huge for several reasons.  First, he is a man who allegedly supported Obama as he campaigned to become President back in 2007 - 08.  Secondly, he is an unquestioned man of science, one whose opinion can not simply be discounted as an example of a 'climate denier'.  Third, it re-opens the debate with regard to what is 'proven' science, and what is still up for grabs.  Most importantly, to me at least, is that it should allow Obama to move on from this topic and get back to what's really important - protecting the American people.

My favorite moments in the video are when espouses the fact that nothing in science is incontrovertible, and making the analogy of Global Warming apologists being a new *religion*.  I enjoyed these points, because they are ones that I have used in debates with members of that particular sect, and now I have a scientist, world-reknown, at that, to back my statements.  It really is exhilarating.  Then there were the moments when he called Obama 'ridiculous' and stated that he was 'dead wrong' on Global Warming.

I might not stop smiling for a week.