Monday, January 19, 2015

Michael Moore Is a Passive-Aggressive, Self-Promoting D-Bag...

...but anyone with a brain already knew that.

The impetus for today's argument comes from a series of tweets and posts that Mr. Michael Moore put out over the weekend.  Ostensibly, he was only talking about his uncle who was murdered during WWII by a Japanese sniper when he said that "we were taught that snipers were cowards."  He went on to say that only a coward would kill another person through the skills of a sniper.

Without getting too far in to the insanity of Moore's attempts to defend himself, I have to ask, what is the line that makes someone a coward when they are engaged in war?  He seems to indict all snipers, including Chris Kyle, the subject of Clint Eastwood's latest project American Sniper as cowards, despite his words to the contrary.  He also took the time to state that Jesse James (who killed many men, and in many ways could be seen as a home grown 'terrorist', in the strictest sense of the word) was not a scoundrel, but rather it was the man (Robert Ford) that backshot James who was the 'bad guy'.  Of course, Ford didn't 'snipe' James, but shot him in the back, as an alleged confident.  How Moore makes a connection between what Ford did, what James Earl Ray (the man who shot Martin Luther King, Jr., the act that Moore was allegedly referencing, and only that one.  If you believe the pompous ass.), and what Chris Kyle did as a soldier fighting an enemy of the United States is beyond me, but I can say that it is completely without tact and is below a dignified man to have made such statements.  Fortunately enough for Moore, he is not a dignified man, but is rather a despicable human being who will doing anything to further his own agenda.

As disgusted as I am with Moore's antics, one can't help admire the way he managed to remind the public that he still exists, and to get himself intertwined with a much more accomplished movie maker (Eastwood) while tying his name to the biggest film of the season.  As morally reprehensible as his actions are, they further his brand, and make him more of a god-like figure in the deluded minds of his followers.  Of course, none of them are intelligent enough to realize that he puts in to practice methods of persons (capitalists, of which he is a leader) that they all believe he hates.  It would be comical, if he wasn't such a schmuck.