The impetus for today's argument comes from the fact that I work in the public school system. However, I did not work today. Why? you may ask, and justifiably so. There were no teacher conferences, there were no parent meetings, there wasn't even a meeting about standardized testing, and just as amazingly, there was no snow on the ground.
So why is there no school? It's Good Friday.
If you say it real fast, you'll miss the hypocrisy in it, so let me slow it down for you just a bit.
The public school systems, who nearly without fail bow down to the notion of separation of church from state in every other manner, are taking a day off that can only be described as a religious holiday, and they're not even bothering to make something up to cover it?
How can this be?
Now mind you, I wholly support students and teachers having the option of not going to school today so that they may take part in religious ceremonies as their beliefs dictate. Of course, I have deeply held religious beliefs. That's not what's occurring here, however. It's just a naked grab of a day off for those that work in various school systems.
How is this tolerated?
How can on one hand school administrators (and to be fair, I'm 100% positive it's not all administrators, but there are enough of them that I don't feel bad lumping them all together) and teachers expressly forbid the mention of anything that may touch upon the Judeo-Christian faith, but on the other hand take a day off for one of the Holiest, if not the Holiest day of the year? What possible justification could there be for this?
In a conversation with a friend, he posited that perhaps the teachers and administrators would spend their paid day off organizing picket lines against such a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution. I expected he was speaking tongue-in-cheek, but just for fun, I drove around to various school districts today and did not see one single protest going down. I was disappointed, to say the least, but I figured perhaps I didn't venture far enough away to find the valiant, honor bound protesters, so I turned to the Internet and looked for organized protests there. Once again, I was disappointed. I could not one instance of a protest happening within the confines of the Bay State.
In one of the most predictable things to ever have happen, Liberals want to take what they want (a day off) while denying others a basic freedom (religion.) The more things change, the more they stay the same.