Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What To Do With Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

A verdict was reached, and in news that will surprise no one, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 counts leveled against for his active participation in the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15th, 2013.  The fact that the jury even left the room to reach that decision shows a level of professionalism I cannot guarantee I would have been capable of achieving.

The defense for Tsarnaev, provided by Judy Clarke, was never about proving her client not guilty.  Under no circumstance was that going to happen.  Instead, as she has done countless times before (Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski, and Jared Lee Loughner, for starters), she laid the groundwork to attempt to steer the jury away from sentencing her client to death when that phase of the trial begins next week.

For me, death would be too good for Tsarnaev, in repayment of the havoc he created and the lives that he took.  Also, I don't trust that the death penalty would be carried out in a timely manner, either, and perhaps never.  He doesn't deserve to be treated that well.

Instead, I offer this solution to save both time and money:  Set Tsarnaev 'free' on the steps of the courthouse, two days after alerting the public to the fact that you were going to do so.  I recommend a high noon drop.  The authorities who set him 'free' would simply walk away from the scene, and then whatever happens, happens.  If by some miracle he manages to escape the angry mob and get himself out of the country, well that's +1 for the bad guys.  More likely is that the mob catches him, and goes medieval on him.  If that occurs, the authorities would simply come pick up the body, and everyone would return to their homes, lessons hopefully learned.