It's stories like this one that are going to make people support Donald Trump's non-Constitutional immigration plan (Presidential candidate Ted Cruz's (R-TX) FB campaign page states that has always been his position, too.), and therefore his candidacy going forward. If our federal government is so filled with morons who sit idly by while White House directives undermine our nation's borders, then the expectation must be that the people will rise up against a government that does not protect it, and choose someone who at least positions himself of the people who wish to protect our great Land. Whether he follows through with plan is irrelevant at this point, because we're still 14 and 1/2 months away from the next Presidential election, and my guess is that by that time, Trump will have bored with the campaign trail. In fact, I imagine that he will have gone back to his Billions, but leave in his wake what others who follow will do with *his* plan (Any plan that involves hardcore isolation such as building a nearly 2,000 mile wall to keep out illegals traces back to Pat Buchanan, at the very least.)
The most striking portion of the story for me is the fact that the Feds never saw fit to alert local officials when they were putting criminals back on the streets, let alone violent ones, without telling anyone. That seems like criminal behavior to me, but apparently it was standard operating procedure until late. After years of protests from various local law enforcement officials, the Feds finally capitulated and began to of late notify local communities. In the most recent incidence in AZ, three violent criminals, two of which were in the country illegally, while the other (Nasser Hanna Hermez, originally from Iraq) is a permanent legal resident who was found guilty of negligent homicide (originally charged with murder 2) of his 7 week old daughter, and somehow finagled a sentence that included only 6 months of jail time, and three years probation. His most recent offense was a burglary charge in April that netted him 3 months of lockup, and two years of probation.
The other two committed crimes nearly as horrific, and were subject to deportation, but ICE found they could not deport them because "they could not locate travel documents proving...citizenship" in the criminal aliens home countries. So they $&%(#2 released the two criminals, who are in this country illegally to do whatever they may, which will likely include violent acts against lawful citizens of the state of AZ. They said, their hands were tied and they were forced to release him
into the United States per the current immigration policy directives.
Well, if current immigration policy directives are what are allowing violent, criminal, illegal aliens to be put out on the streets of America, perhaps it is time for those in charge to re-write those directives, and until such time, for those who are closer to the reality of the situation to stand fast and do what is right for citizens of our nation, rather than following policy dictates of politicians whose heads are clearly up their...