For those that are unaware, a burqa completely conceals the face of the female, so that women are not leered at or do not have to be subject to unwanted male (or in this day and age, female) advances. This article here lists many other reasons that women who are not forced to wear a burqa would continue to do so.
Honestly - I couldn't care less if women (or men) feel the need to wear a burqa to cover up their faces, for whatever reason they can come up with, in most situations. However, getting a license/ID photo really isn't one of those situations.
The purpose of an identification is to be able to, you know, identify a person with ease. It's one of those things that really should be non-negotiable. In becoming part of a society, you must bend to their social norms, elsewise, you have not immigrated, you have invaded, and brought your cultural expectations along with you.
Immigration is at least a 3 pronged venture:
- Learn your new country's language.
- Take up the interests of your new nation.
- Follow social norms and don't look for exceptions to laws just because the PC police are out there, pandering to future voters.