Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rand Paul Takes a Big Step Forward

Rand Paul originally caught the eye of most of the general public because of his last name.  Having a father who is Dr. Ron Paul, the godfather of the modern American Libertarian movement has its perks.  Of course, being so closely connected with such a man has its drawbacks, too, namely that such a close association leads many to believe that all of latter's opinions have been handed down.

In the area that is most important - the Constitution as the leading document that should be followed with the original intent of its authors and signatories, is a huge deal.  Limiting the scope of government is another.  On these issues, both Ron and Rand Paul are without peer, which has been a huge part of why they have been able to gain such a strong following amongst the Gen Xers and Millennials.  These are the voters that Paul absolutely needs if he is going to remain in the race for the Republican Presidential race.

Most times, it is a candidate that is on the outside, and not in the upper tier of candidates that comes up with a catchy, witty slogan, or admission to help push their campaign forward.  Think back to Clinton in '92 with 'I smoked (marijuana) but didn't inhale'.  Once he became a 'serious' candidate, the campaign phrase was "It's the economy stupid."  In '08, it was Obama's 'Hope and Change' that propelled him (Also, the Republicans nominating John McCain played a big part in it) to the Oval Office.

Paul's official campaign slogan is "Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream."

This tapped in to the anti-establishment sect of voters, but in order to capture the White House, he would need to grab a larger swathe of potential voters.  For good or ill, his campaign took a giant step forward when it made this announcement via Twitter:

5h5 hours ago
Download our new app in the App Store and use the selfie feature! Then, send us in your photos and we'll retweet you.

While there are a certain amount of potential downsides to unveiling such an app, the upside is huge.  It will garner him large amounts of free press, and will lead to large gains with young voters, to boot.

Whether it's enough to get him all the way to the White House is unknown, but it's a bold step that certainly help him stay in the limelight.