Monday, August 4, 2014

Our Border Conundrum Is Also a Constitutional Crisis

It was a little over 3 weeks ago that the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick stated that he would help out his friend.  Who is the governor's friend, you may ask?  Oh, just the man that currently occupies the White House, no big deal.  Governor Patrick likes to help out his friends, and that is an admirable thing to do.

Of course, most of us don't have friends in such high places as Governor Patrick does, but friends are friends, regardless of their perceived place in the world.

As it's not quite time for Governor Patrick's friend to vacate the premises of the White House (at least not for another 900 days, 14 hours as of this writing), we know he wasn't helping tape up boxes for the big move back to Chicago.  So how was Governor Patrick looking to help out his good friend?

By attempting to stash 1,000 illegal aliens that the President invited in to the country, in clear violation of his Constitutional duties (fret not, other states didn't even have the option of 'volunteering'.  See:  Louisiana, Texas, California, and Arizona, for starters.)

One might assume that since Governor Patrick had invited the lawbreakers to the Commonwealth, he'd at least put them up at his homestead in Milton.  You'd think wrong, however.  Governor Patrick is only a man charged with making decisions, not living with the consequences of those actions.

He decided to offer up Westover Air Force Base in Chicopee (the western portion of the Commonwealth) and Camp Edwards military base on Cape Cod (the far eastern part of the Commonwealth.) instead.

Leaders of those two communities were non-plussed, to say the least, despite Patrick's assurances that the "children" (only 25% of those that are entering the nation illegally at most are children traveling alone.) will be vaccinated, secured on the bases, fed, and educated there, too, all on the federal government's dime (the very same federal government that is currently 17.639 TRILLION Dollars {$17,638,604,149,993.63 and is adding $2,730,000,000.00 worth of new debt each and every day.})

 Because we have nothing else to worry about here in this country.  Our unemployment rate is 6.2% (which is a joke.  What that does not take in to consideration is all of the people who have simply given up trying to find work.  Real unemployment would come in at no less than 13% if the Feds used real numbers.), our education systems are running fine and dandy, and there's no major crisis going on anywhere in the world with any of our allies.

No, life is just a day at the beach right now, and we should all be soaking up the sunshine and enjoying our picnic baskets.

Of course, none of that is true.  Our nation is literally falling apart at the seams, and this manufactured 'crisis' (unlike the genuine, real crisis that has been going on at VA Centers the nation over.  It's not like those centers take care of our soldiers who put their lives on the line.  Oh?  They do?  Still, it's much better that they wait years for treatment than an illegal alien who is a potential future voter for a specific political party follow the law.)

I put quotation makes around crisis, for a couple of specific reasons.  1.)  The 25% or so of the nearing 200,000 illegal aliens that have crossed our southern border are coming from (according to various news reports) Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica and other southern points.  The distance allegedly transversed is in the neighborhood of 1,400 miles on the short end (approximately the length of the eastern seaboard of the United States) to upwards of 2,000 miles.  On their own.  With no help from anyone else.  Which is, of course, a joke.

Our current President has stated he intends to take care of the 'immigration problem' with his phone an his pen.  I'm imaging that one or both of those instruments was put to use in order to allow for the 'safe' passage of these illegal aliens (both children and adults) through multiple countries borders.  He did this in clear violation of not only the Constitution as an entire document, but in violation of his own Presidential duties and oath, which reads:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This President has decided that defending our border, our very nationhood, is something that is of no concern to him.  What is important is pulling in future voters who know where their bread has been buttered (by those that would break federal and state laws.)

Of course, the worse downside to our new open border policy, is that there is no stopping anyone who sees fit to make their way up through Central America to points north, regardless of their citizenry, as this report dictates.  In a world as small as the one we live in thanks to technology, it won't take long for those numbers to swell to the numbers we are currently seeing come in from Central American nations.  This puts the nation at risk for more terrorist attacks, and perhaps just as frightening, those who may be carriers of the Ebola virus that is running rampant through sections of the world right now.

Our government, in particular our President and our Senate (who decided to go home for a much earned* break rather than work with the House to find a solution to the created problem) have once again exposed Americans to unneeded risk.  They have done so under the guise of helping those that are less fortunate, while pretending they have no political aims for any of these people.  It's flabbergasting, to say the least.  One slightly more cynical than I might infer that they're trying to tear the Nation down from within.